Monday, June 6, 2011

Photo 7:motion

Shutter Speed: 1/2000

This past weekend I was out at the ball field watching my brother and his baseball team play. I decided that I could get some very good motion pictures by shooting the players in action. I actually had a lot of fun with this. I think it was one of my favorites. At first I was having some trouble with the lighting and my settings but in the end I am very happy with how these photos turned out. I liked this pictures best because I was pretty simple, not a whole lot going on but still a good photo. I really liked the kicked up dirt by his back foot it really adds to the picture. The reason i turned this black and white was because there was something wrong with my white balance on this photo. I really liked it so i found a way to fix it and I think it really works in black and white. Overall; good week!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Visual Puns

1. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"
2. "Hit the hay"
3. "Party animal"

Our GIMP assignment this week was visual puns. Our goal was to create 3 images that represented a play on words. At the end we were all going to try to guess each others. I enjoyed this assignment because it was kind of different and not to hard. After doing all of these GIMP assignments i definitely feel a lot more comfortable with the program. Its always fun to see what everyone comes up with.So far this was one of my favorite GIMP assignments because it was left for our own creativity to come into play. I'm excited to guess all of the others. It was a fun assignment.