Monday, June 6, 2011

Photo 7:motion

Shutter Speed: 1/2000

This past weekend I was out at the ball field watching my brother and his baseball team play. I decided that I could get some very good motion pictures by shooting the players in action. I actually had a lot of fun with this. I think it was one of my favorites. At first I was having some trouble with the lighting and my settings but in the end I am very happy with how these photos turned out. I liked this pictures best because I was pretty simple, not a whole lot going on but still a good photo. I really liked the kicked up dirt by his back foot it really adds to the picture. The reason i turned this black and white was because there was something wrong with my white balance on this photo. I really liked it so i found a way to fix it and I think it really works in black and white. Overall; good week!

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