Friday, April 29, 2011

Car Retouch

The last few days, our assignment was to edit a photo taken by another student. The purpose of this assignment was to get a little more comfortable with the tools that GIMP offers. We got to use tools like layers, clone, crop, and text tool. It was really neat to see the transformation after I finished. It was a test of our listening skills as well because Mr. Bush just told us how to do it without step by step directions like the last assignment. Im excited to continue to work with this program to enhance my photos. My favorite was probably the clone tool. I never knew that you could erase something from a photo like you can using this tool. I think this is now something that i will definitely be using before turning in the remainder of my assignments. Note: The first picture is the before, the 2nd is the after.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Still Life Assignment

ISO: 800
Aperture: f/2.7
Shutter Speed: 1/30 sec

This week i chose to do still life. While doing this, I either set up the product in which a way I could advertise the object or I tried to shoot everyday objects in a more unique and creative way. I found throughout taking these that I was able to shoot better when I was closer to the object I was capturing in order to highlight the product. One main thing that I learned while doing this assignment is that there is definitely more to photography than just taking snap shots. There is a lot of thought that goes in to every picture photographers take. Things like lighting, color, composition elements, and backgrounds, are all things that come into play while taking a picture. I figured out through this assignment that even though it is still life, there is still many things you have to think about. It was fun to see that I could take decent photos of things I would normally see as boring.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gimp Assignment 1

This Assignment was a introduction to the program "gimp". By doing this, it was suppose to help us get familiar with the program so that  in the future we know how to edit our photos. It taught us that we could take our previous photos, and edit them to make them how we want them to look. Its pretty cool that we can personalize our images in case when we take the actual photo it does not come out how we want it. With this knowledge, i can now edit my pictures to make them the way i want, not how the camera took them.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Composition Assignment

Assignment Description
For this assignment we had to research different elements of photo composition. Then we were sent to go around the school to take pictures in order represent each one of them. There were 11 elements that we had to represent. The purpose of this assignment was to introduce us to our cameras a little better and how to use them. Most of these elements were not hard to find, but a few made me think outside the box.

What I Learned
During this assignment I definitely learned a lot about the camera. I learned how to take a much better picture with these small elements. I used to think that all you had to do was find a good object to take a picture of, and shoot. This assignment taught me that there is so much more to it. It intruduced me to most of the basics that I will be using in the course of this class. I also learned that photos of the most random things can turn out to be some of your best photos. I think that before this assignment I really underestimated what i could do and I proved myself wrong.

Photo 1: Lines; Back stage ropes in the Auditorium
Photo 2: Texture; Scones in the school restaurant
Photo 3: Rule of Thirds; Pink Flower
Photo 4: Pattern; Ramp in Auto Repair
Photo 5: Symmetry; Ceiling in the High School
Photo 6: Depth of Field; Saline All State wall
Photo 7: Color; V8 juice
Photo 8: Balance; Sunset in the school
Photo 9: Framing; Jess in the window
Photo 10: Space; White and orange yarn diamond
Photo 11: Perspective; Looking up on the stairs