Monday, April 25, 2011

Still Life Assignment

ISO: 800
Aperture: f/2.7
Shutter Speed: 1/30 sec

This week i chose to do still life. While doing this, I either set up the product in which a way I could advertise the object or I tried to shoot everyday objects in a more unique and creative way. I found throughout taking these that I was able to shoot better when I was closer to the object I was capturing in order to highlight the product. One main thing that I learned while doing this assignment is that there is definitely more to photography than just taking snap shots. There is a lot of thought that goes in to every picture photographers take. Things like lighting, color, composition elements, and backgrounds, are all things that come into play while taking a picture. I figured out through this assignment that even though it is still life, there is still many things you have to think about. It was fun to see that I could take decent photos of things I would normally see as boring.

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