Monday, June 6, 2011

Photo 7:motion

Shutter Speed: 1/2000

This past weekend I was out at the ball field watching my brother and his baseball team play. I decided that I could get some very good motion pictures by shooting the players in action. I actually had a lot of fun with this. I think it was one of my favorites. At first I was having some trouble with the lighting and my settings but in the end I am very happy with how these photos turned out. I liked this pictures best because I was pretty simple, not a whole lot going on but still a good photo. I really liked the kicked up dirt by his back foot it really adds to the picture. The reason i turned this black and white was because there was something wrong with my white balance on this photo. I really liked it so i found a way to fix it and I think it really works in black and white. Overall; good week!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Visual Puns

1. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"
2. "Hit the hay"
3. "Party animal"

Our GIMP assignment this week was visual puns. Our goal was to create 3 images that represented a play on words. At the end we were all going to try to guess each others. I enjoyed this assignment because it was kind of different and not to hard. After doing all of these GIMP assignments i definitely feel a lot more comfortable with the program. Its always fun to see what everyone comes up with.So far this was one of my favorite GIMP assignments because it was left for our own creativity to come into play. I'm excited to guess all of the others. It was a fun assignment.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Visual Dictionary

For this GIMP assignment we were suppose to define words through visual images. At first I really did not like this assignment but after a while I got into it, and enjoyed it. It was cool to see how these turned out after all of the editing and work put into them. At first it took me a long time to make one, but today I made my last one in about 10 minutes. I am finally starting to get used to using GIMP and it's not as frustrating as I used to think. I think these turned out a lot better then I imagined. Serene and elegant are my favorite because they are the last ones I did and I was definitely getting the hang a little bit better. Overall, I am happy how these turned out.

Photo 6; Architecture

Shutter Speed: 1/100

This week for photo assignment 6 I shot some pictures of Architecture. I walked around downtown  Ann Arbor and then downtown Saline in order to find some cool buildings to shoot. I actually really enjoyed shooting these pictures. If was fun to shoot buildings from a different perspective and see how the pictures turned out. I definitely think that this week was one of my best, if not my best. At first I had a little trouble because I thought pictures of buildings were flat out boring. I finally actually got into what I was shooting and I think it shows in my pictures this week. I liked this one the best because of the colors and the perspective. You don't see a lot of pictures of buildings that are shot looking up. This was sort of a unique picture and that is why I chose it.


This week we did the Portrait assignment. I actually really enjoyed this assignment. We went out and took pictures of our friends then came back and did some editing on GIMP. I think I like shooting people better than just still objects. The picture on the left is an example of window/natural lighting while the one on the right is the studio lighting. I personally think they both turned out well. I didn't have to make that many adjustments to the camera in this process. It was fun to just take a bunch of pictures and see which one turned out the best. I tried to make their personalities show and i think they portrayed that pretty well. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this assignment.

Monday, May 23, 2011



This Sunday I spent the day at the Michigan Softball Game. It was a big game so there was a full house. I thought it would be cool to almost capture the event in just a couple pictures. I got a few good ones of the players, but i was behind a net, so it kind of took away from what I was trying to capture in the image. Out of the ones that didn't have the net, i liked this one the best. I liked it because it showed to intense fans, and you could definitely tell the event that I was at. This was not my favorite picture that I took but it was the best quality one. It turned out better than I expected. This week I learned that you can really capture an event just by taking picture of the spectators.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Shutter speed:1/80

This week I chose to shoot people. I had my friend Kenzie come over and pose in the most random spots for me to take a picture. I didn't want just normal pictures, I really wanted her personality to shine through. She would do the funniest things and say "Laura take this picture!". We had a really fun time trying to see what kind of pictures we could get out of the weird things that she did.  I was trying to think about the rule of thirds as I was shooting all of these pictures, but for some of them, it was hard. I took quite a few throughout the night. I liked this picture because it was unordinary. It kind of told a story, it's not just her smiling. I had a few to choose from but this one stood out to me.