Monday, May 9, 2011

Macro Photo Assignment 3

For this week's photo assignment, I choose to shoot macro. This was a challenge for me because I had to find something that would be interesting to shoot from very close up. I walked around my house for a while not knowing what to shoot and being very picky. As soon as I actually started taking pictures, the whole thing became easier. Something i learned this week was just shoot pictures, don't worry about what they look like until they are on the computer. Shoot as many as you can, you are bound to get some good ones. Also, this week I learned that things close up, could look very different from far away. Some of the things I shot i thought would look dumb, but when I actually looked at the picture, it turned out pretty good. I think each week my pictures are getting better because I am learning new things things about my camera everyday. I think throughout this course I am becoming more creative and looking at object more in depth. Its cool to see what I can produce every week.

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