Thursday, May 5, 2011


This week we did a new GIMP assignment. Our job was to go out and shoot 3 pictures of a wide object, in order the merge them and create a panoramic photo. The picture taking was kind of difficult because we had to make sure we overlapped the three pictures. Once we got our pictures we had to learn how to put them together. At first I didn't think it was going to turn out the way it did. I guess we learn something new everyday! It was really cool to see the end result. We had to use many different tools to create the picture we did, and at times it was confusing but it turned out okay in the end. Although this was a little frustrating, I'm glad i learned how to do it because now I can use this to make some more interesting pictures. One thing i do regret about my picture is the fact that i didn't capture the whole wall. Now I think that it look unfinished, but I can't change it now. I thought one of the most useful things i learned was the eraser tool in order to get rid of the lines separating my 3 pictures. Overall, I'm glad we did this assignment, and the fact that i got to learn all of this for the future.

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